Incomplete Lists: Billboard Project
02 JUN 2019 / 01 OCT 2020
New Mexico-based artist and researcher Nina Elder creates work that examines geologic time, the influence of human activity on the environment, and changing cultures and ecologies.
Elder’s Incomplete Lists are a part of her ongoing investigation into the act of bearing witness, and reflections on her personal experience of interdisciplinary research. The process begins by trying to answer questions, as exhaustively as possible, in one sitting. For example: What is fleeting? What might offer protection? What is sensitive? Elder then rearranges the words until there is no hierarchy and no pattern. These lists function both as drawings and as poems.
SITE SANTA FE’S Billboard Project
SITE SANTA FE’s Billboard Project began in 2017 with the opening of SITE’s new building. Bridging the gap between the museum and the public, the Billboard Project introduces art into public space and invites community engagement.

Nina Elder
Artist and researcher Nina Elder creates projects that reveal humanity’s dependence on, and interruption of, the natural world. With a focus on changi...