Singing My Heart Out: Performance by Linda Mary Montano
22 FEB 2013
Montano has created a new two-part performance work, entitled Singing My Heart Out…Singing my Heart In, which she will perform at the opening and closing of the exhibition. For this endurance performance, Montano will be stationed in front of SITE singing along to the music of Linda Ronstadt and Raka Mukerjee, encouraging audience participation. At the opening performance she will ascend once an hour for seven hours until she has reached the top of the building. At the closing, she will start at the top and descend once an hour for seven hours until she reaches the ground.
The public is invited to engage with Linda Montano and her exhibition on multiple occasions. For the Members’ Preview on Feb. 21, from 5:30-7pm, and the Public Opening on Feb. 22, from 5-7pm, visitors are invited to wear clothing in a color associated with one of the seven chakras. This call for audience participation extends an aspect of Montano’s influential work Fourteen Years of Living Art in which Montano dedicated one year to meditation on each of the seven chakras, and, among other things, wore clothing only in the color associated with the chakra for that year, as listed below:
- 1st Chakra- Red – Security
- 2nd Chakra- Orange- Life Force
- 3rd Chakra- Yellow- Courage
- 4th Chakra- Green- Compassion
- 5th Chakra- Blue- Communication
- 6th Chakra- Purple- Intuition
- 7th Chakra- White – Bliss
At the Members Preview from 5:30-7pm, the artist will conduct Art/Life Counseling in one-on-one sessions in person, and she will also conduct regularly scheduled one-on-one Art/Life Counseling session via Skype on Friday, March 22 and Friday, April 19 from 12-2 pm. Please contact Janet Dees,, for more information and to schedule an appointment.