• Monday: 10am-5pm
  • Tuesday-Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 10am-5pm
  • Friday: 10am-7pm
  • Saturday: 10am-5pm
  • Sunday: 10am-5pm

1606 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501


Phantasmagoria: SITE Santa Fe Young Curators Exhibition

Young Curator's Exhibition

Phantasmagoria: noun (,)fan-,taz-mə-’gȯr-ē-ə
1: an exhibition of optical effects and illusions
2: a) a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined
b) a scene that constantly changes
3: a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage

Phantasmagoria is an exhibition of new works by young adults featuring video, sound, and installation work, in addition to more traditional art forms that explore dreams, surreal images and other bizarre creations of the mind. The show aims to submerse the human psyche into the world of dreams, transporting him/her to this dreamy space both mentally and physically. Phantasmagoria will awe, confuse, frighten, and disturb viewers leaving them overwhelmed with a sense of wonder and curiosity for the dream world.

The Young Curators will also announce a schedule of public programs to further explore the themes of Phantasmagoria. Offerings will include movie screenings, performances, and a lecture series with participants ranging from dream interpreters to experts on Surrealism.