Jim Isermann and Susan Yelavitch: A Discussion
29 SEP 2001
Jim Isermann’s art combines retro influences with modern details in furniture reminiscent of the 1950s and painted works that suggest OP Art from the 1960s and ’70s. Isermann received his MFA from the California Institute of the Arts and has been showing actively since 1980 in both solo and group exhibitions. He has received several prestigious awards, among them two National Endowment for the Arts–Visual Arts Fellowships and the California Community Foundation’s J. Paul Getty Fellowship for the Visual Arts. Isermann was commissioned by SITE Santa Fe to create a new façade for the building for the Fourth International Biennial.
Susan Yelavich is the Assistant Director for Public Programs at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Museum, in New York, and is responsible for the museum’s exhibitions, publications, and educational programs, as well as its design department. In 1997, she co-curated the exhibition Design for Life: A Centennial Celebration. Her publications include Design for Life (1997) and The Edge of the Millennium: An International Critique of Architecture, Urban Planning, Product and Communication Design (1993). She is a member of the Board of the American Center for Design. A frequent writer and lecturer on design, Yelavich is a graduate of Brown University and Cranbrook Academy of Art.
SITE Santa Fe’s Art & Culture series is partially supported by The Brown Foundation, Inc., Houston, Lannan Foundation, Madelin Coit and Alan Levin, Bobbie Foshay-Miller and Chuck Miller, and Marlene Nathan Meyerson.
Jim Isermann
Jim Isermann received his Master of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts and his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin...