Dialogues, Connections, and Divergences: Book Club Session 2
16 SEP 2024, 5:30–7 PM
Join Mario Caro, Director of the MFA in studio arts at the Institute of American Indian Arts, and Lisa Le Feuvre, co-curator of the Teresita Fernández / Robert Smithson exhibition and executive director of Holt/Smithson Foundation in a public conversation to explore some of the ideas circulating in Teresita Fernández / Robert Smithson.
Coffee provided!
Attendees will be sent copies of the text on their RSVP
Dialogues, Connections, and Divergences Schedule
Session 1 - Book Club Meet
Saturday, September 14, 10-12PM
The group will focus on a section from Édouard Glissant’s Poetics of Relation, published in English in 1997. A poet and philosopher, Glissant (1928-2011) was interested in thinking through the complex and destructive histories of nationalism and colonialism.
Session 2 - Book Club Meet
Monday, September 16, 5:30-7:30 PM
Drawing upon her essay, “Frontrunners as an Exploration of Indigenous Littoral Curation,” we pay attention to the curatorial thinking of Cathy Mattes, a Michif (Southwest Manitoba) curator, writer, and associate professor in history of art and curatorial studies at the University of Winnipeg.
Public Dialogue
Saturday, October 12, 10-12PM
Join Mario Caro, Director of the MFA in studio arts at the Institute of American Indian Arts, and Lisa Le Feuvre, co-curator of the Teresita Fernández / Robert Smithson exhibition and executive director of Holt/Smithson Foundation in a public conversation to explore some of the ideas circulating in SITE SANTA FE’s current exhibition, Teresita Fernández / Robert Smithson. Coffee provided!

Lisa Le Feuvre
Lisa Le Feuvre is a curator, writer, and editor. She is inaugural Executive Director of Holt/Smithson Foundation, the artist-endowed foundation dedica...