• Monday: 10am-5pm
  • Tuesday-Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 10am-5pm
  • Friday: 10am-7pm
  • Saturday: 10am-5pm
  • Sunday: 10am-5pm

1606 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501


Art in the Age of Steam

The lecture is co-sponsored by the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Division; The Palace of the Governors, Museum of New Mexico; Office of the State Historian/NM Commission of Public Records; Historic Santa Fe Foundation; Cornerstones Community Partnerships; and the Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation.

Sir Cossons will offer an illustrated perspective on the historical reuse and reconstitution of railways throughout this country and Europe in a lecture entitled Art in the Age of Steam: Europe, America, and the Railway, 1830-1960.
The railway has captured the imagination of artists and photographers since its inception. Cossons draws on this wealth of contemporary visual material to illustrate the impact of the railway on the landscape. Of the new technologies that transformed the world, it was the railway, as no other, that captured the imagination of artists and photographers. In the context of railroad cultural landscapes and their interpretation by European and American artists, Cossons’ presentation will discuss the British practice of revitalizing historic railway resources. In addition to providing information about the reuse of historic railway resources, the presentation will encourage ways to seek new uses for historic buildings so that they remain viable elements within a community. By  so doing, communities can maintain connections with the past and, perhaps most importantly, ensure that its citizens, architects, engineers, planners, developers, artists, poets, and writers will continue to find these historic resources to be sources of inspiration.

Sir Neil Cossons, distinguished British museum director, historian and industrial archaeologist, was the first Director of the Ironbridge Museum (1971-1983); Director of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (1983-1986); Director of the Science Museum (1986-2000); and Chairman of the Historic Buildings & Monuments Commission of the English Heritage (2000-2007). He is currently Pro-Provost and Chairman of the Royal College of Art and engages in public speaking, arts, heritage, and museum consulting throughout the world. He was knighted in 1994 for his work in museums, heritage and the arts.