Francisco Ruiz de Infante
Year born:
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Francisco Ruiz de Infante combines images, texts, sounds and objects into complex multi-media installations that embed advanced audio-visual technology into rough-hewn sculptural materials (and vice-versa), while at the same time infusing a rigorous conceptual framework with a light-handed poetic sensibility.
Often created in situ and ephemeral in nature, Ruiz de Infante’s work is characterized by a do-it-yourself aesthetic in which forces of construction and destruction operate simultaneously, giving rise to environments that appear to be unfinished while simultaneously already in a state of ruin. Although often seemingly precarious and fragile, Ruiz de Infante’s installations are in fact carefully orchestrated assemblages that function like three-dimensional drawings or diagrams, becoming de facto stage settings that deftly transform spectators from passive viewers to active participants, and in the process subtly raising questions of individuality, choice and conscience.
Ruiz de Infante’s videos tend to be hypnotic and visually poetic, achieving their particular visual power through techniques of litany-like repetition, non-narrative structures and simple optical effects that often recall the 20th-century tradition of experimental cinema.